Evaluate graduates and apprentices based on their skills and potential | NEW Early Careers Assessment


Transforming public sector hiring

Public sector organisations require a hiring process that is tailored to their specific needs and empowers them to achieve success while promoting diversity and efficiency. With Sova's comprehensive suite of assessment solutions, you can revolutionise your public sector hiring strategy. 


The Sova Difference

Improve Accuracy

Nationwide used Sova to identify and recruit exceptional performers with 89% accuracy.

Improved Candidate Experience

95% of TUI's candidates agreed that the assessments gave them a positive impression of the brand.


John Lewis achieved a 50/50 gender balance and no adverse impact across ethnic groups using Sova.

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Unbiased and informed talent decisions

Gain a comprehensive and equitable understanding of talent through our robust assessment library, rooted in the latest scientific research and ED&I best practices. 

Seamlessly integrate technical and skills assessments to ensure a connected approach to data and decision-making. 

Achieve maximum ROI by predicting multiple business outcomes, including performance, progression, and retention.

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Robust security and compliance

Trust in a platform that prioritises data protection, legal defensibility, and accuracy. Our platform adheres to the highest standards of security and compliance, including double-factor authentication and a network of local servers to safeguard your data. 

Trusted by the public sector, Sova alleviates compliance concerns and minimises risk.

Success Stories

This has been a hearts and mind project. There was a lot of myth busting to be done. A change in behaviour and mindset was required, and while we wanted to ensure we are measuring quality, we didn’t want to put any barriers up. We needed to take the focus from quantity, to bringing in people who stay and progress

Simon Defoe

Global Assessment Manager

Simon Defoe

Throughout the project, the Sova project team have been professional, efficient and responsive. They applied their collective psychometric and digital expertise to understand what we needed and shape the right solution to meet our objectives. Personable and fun to work with, we are excited to have Sova as our assessment partner of the future.

Laura Page

Resourcing Development Manager

Laura Page

By working with Sova Assessment, we’ve been able to seamlessly integrate our candidate attraction, applicant tracking, and assessment and selection processes, in order to identify and select the most suitable candidates for our roles and our company.

Joanna Dawson

Talent & Leadership Specialist UK & International

Joanna Dawson

It’s critical that we make the right hiring decisions, particularly as the Global Strategy Team is such an important part of our talent pipeline. In selecting Sova Assessment, we’ve found a partner who understood our business needs and built a solution which feels very much part of LexisNexis.

Jennifer Lemaigre

VP Global Talent Acquisition and Onboarding

Jennifer Lemaigre

Initially we viewed the introduction of virtual assessment centres as a solution to continue with vital recruitment during the nationwide lockdown. After running several centres, we realised the benefits of these centres were far greater. Administrative costs have been dramatically reduced and travel costs for assessors and candidates completely removed.

Anna Byrne

Graduate Recruitment & Selection Lead

Anna Byrne


How will Sova support us changing our assessment platform?

Our experts work with you to map and stress test your systems, stakeholders and local markets. They will then help you to develop the best approach to rolling out and embedding your Sova solution. We enable you to grow communities of practice and build advocacy in a way that best speaks to your organisational context. Sova gives you the data and platform to showcase business impact across your entire internal and external ecosystem via awards submissions, case studies and events.

Can we incorporate our existing assessment content?

Yes. You can digitalise your own assessment centre exercises via our digital assessment centre technology and interview questions via our online interview builder tool. You can conduct video interviews and host any technical or skills-based questions. We also integrate with a range of skills test providers to provide you with a complete assessment solution in one, joined-up and easy-to-use online platform.

How long does it take to implement Sova?

This varies depending on the complexity of your solution. You can use Sova OTS tools in a matter of hours, while more bespoke solutions can take up to 2 weeks for a simple configuration of the platform and between 6-12 weeks for more complex projects.

Can you integrate with ATS?

Yes. We are already integrated with multiple ATS platforms. If your ATS is not on our list, we work with your provider to support this process as part of your onboarding. 

Do you have OTS options and can they be customised?

Yes. Our assessment library includes OTS personality, ability and motivation assessments that can be customised to your needs, context and talent framework. We also provide an OTS contact centre sifting solution that can be adapted to your brand and messaging. 

What time and cost savings can I expect?

Our clients have found a reduction of up to 40% in the cost of their assessment process and 30% savings in time and labour costs through an automated assessment process.

Is Sova listed as a G-Cloud approved supplier?

Yes, Sova is proud to be a G-Cloud approved supplier. This accreditation means that we meet the strict criteria set by the UK Government's G-Cloud framework, ensuring that our services and solutions adhere to high standards of performance, security, and reliability. Being G-Cloud approved allows us to offer our innovative technology solutions directly to government and public sector organisations, streamlining the procurement process and ensuring they have access to the best digital services available.



Get Started Today

Transform your public sector hiring process with Sova. Book a demo today and discover how our cutting-edge platform can help you attract, assess, and select top talent. With advanced assessment tools, data-driven insights, and a seamless user experience, Sova empowers you to optimise your public sector recruitment process, uncover the best-fit candidates, and drive success. 


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